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  • ☁️ How to Learn AWS Cloud for Free

☁️ How to Learn AWS Cloud for Free

PLUS: ChatGPT Prompts for Job-seekers

In Today’s Cloudbites:

  • 👋 A Warm Welcome

  • 📚 5 Free Resources to Learn AWS

  • 🤖 ChatGPT Prompts for Job-seekers

Read time: 3 minutes

👋 A Warm Welcome

Hi friends, welcome to the first edition of the cloudbites.ai newsletter! I'm happy to have you here and can’t wait to share the journey of learning Cloud Computing & Artificial Intelligence together.

Every Wednesday and Saturday, you’ll receive an email with bite-sized insights into the world of Cloud & AI, that you can read in 5 minutes or less. 

My goal is to equip you with the necessary tools, resources, and knowledge to navigate your tech career in the age of AI and automation.

📚 5 Free Resources to learn AWS

Did you know you can start learning AWS Cloud with $0? Here are 5 free resources to help you get started:

  1. AWS Skill Builder - A learning platform designed by AWS, for cloud learners. By signing up, you get free access to 600+ courses available.

  2. AWS Free Tier - Experiment and practice with AWS at no cost. The Free Tier provides limited free access to a range of AWS services.

  3. Workshops.aws - A wide range of hands-on workshops and tutorials created by AWS. The workshops help you gain practical experience and learn by doing.

  4. AWS Live Training - Instructor-led virtual sessions to help you learn AWS. Check out the schedule and register for a free session.

  5. AWS Cloud Quest - This is a fun one. Cloud Quest is a gamified challenge that helps you learn AWS, through quests and puzzles.

I recently published a YouTube Video sharing the best FREE AWS Cloud Courses for beginners - feel free to check it out for more resources!

🤖 ChatGPT Prompts for Job-seekers

Are you on the lookout for new job opportunities? Here are some ChatGPT prompts to help you navigate your job search, with examples:

  1. Act as my Career Coach 
    Act as my career coach and guide me through the steps I need to take to become a cloud engineer.

  2. Act as a Professional Resume Writer
    Act as a professional resume writer, and tailor my resume based on the job description.

  3. Help me write Outreach messages
    Craft a LinkedIn outreach message to a hiring manager at AWS for a Cloud Engineer role.

  4. Act as my Interviewer
    From now on, you are my interviewer for a Cloud Engineer role at AWS. Ask me my first question.

  5. Salary Negotiating Roleplay
    Pretend you are a recruiter for a role I applied for. Let’s roleplay a salary negotiation call.

Want to see more ChatGPT prompts in action? Check out my YouTube Video on how to land a $100k/year Tech Job using ChatGPT.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading & see you soon! 😊

P.S. How was today's email? Reply directly with your feedback, or DM me on Twitter @techwithlucy.