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  • ☁️ Will AI Replace Jobs in Tech?

☁️ Will AI Replace Jobs in Tech?

PLUS: Top 5 Must Try AWS AI / ML Services

In Today’s Cloudbites:

  • 💼 Will AI Replace Jobs in Tech?

  • 🤖 Top 5 Must Try AWS AI / ML Services

  • 📚 AI Course Recommendations

Read time: 4 minutes

💼 Will AI Replace Jobs in Tech?

Hi friends, welcome back to the cloudbites.ai newsletter. One question that has been generating a lot of speculation and concern lately is “Will AI Replace Tech jobs?”

I recently attended AWS Sydney Summit, and asked 7 Tech employees to share their views on the future of AI. You can find the full video here.

This was the general consensus:

  • AI has great potential, but is still in its early stages.

  • While some jobs may be replaced by AI in the future, there is an optimistic outlook that many new jobs will emerge.

  • Human skills like decision-making, collaboration, and problem-solving, are seen as irreplaceable.

  • To succeed / survive in the tech industry, embrace AI as a tool and stay up to date with the advancements.

As AI continues to transform the Tech industry, I believe it will be nearly impossible to predict what will happen in the next 5, 10 or 15 years.

However, instead of focusing on the unknown, the best we can do now is to stay adaptable, continue learning, and embrace new opportunities. 💪

POLL: Do you think AI will replace your job in the next 5 years?

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🤖 Top 5 Must Try AWS AI / ML Services

Are you looking to improve both your AWS and AI skills? Here are five AWS services that can help you unlock the power of AI / ML in the cloud:

  1. AWS CodeWhisperer - Your own AI coding companion that generates code suggestions in your IDE. It is now completely free to use with the CodeWhisperer Individual tier.

  2. Amazon SageMaker - Enables developers to create, train, and deploy machine-learning models in the cloud. This was launched back in 2017, but has gone through significant improvements over the years.

  3. Amazon Rekognition - Specifically used to analyse videos and images. All you have to do is provide an image or video, and Rekognition will identify the objects, people, text and things inside it.

  4. Amazon Lex - A fully-managed AI service that makes it easy to create chatbots and conversational interfaces. It uses the same technology that powers Alexa.

  5. Amazon Comprehend - A natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to hidden insights from text data, like documents, social media posts, and customer reviews.

If you’re looking for tutorials to help you get started with learning the services, check out this YouTube Video (“Top 5 Must-Try AWS AI / ML Tools”) for a list of free resources and workshops.

📚 AI Course Recommendations

If you want to dive deeper into learning AI, here are 3 highly-rated Udemy resources I recommend taking a look at:

  • Course #1: Artificial Intelligence A-Z™ 2023 (Build an AI with ChatGPT4)

    ⭐️ 4.4 Stars [17-Hour Course]

  • Course #2: Machine Learning A-Z™ (AI, Python & R + ChatGPT)

    ⭐️ 4.5 Stars [42-Hour Course]

  • Course #3: ChatGPT Complete Guide (Learn Midjourney, ChatGPT 4 & More)

    ⭐️ 4.7 Stars [11-Hour Course]

That's all for now. Thanks for reading! 😊

P.S. How was today's email? Reply directly with your feedback, or DM me on Twitter @techwithlucy.