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  • ☁️ Worst Career Mistakes to Avoid For Cloud Learners

☁️ Worst Career Mistakes to Avoid For Cloud Learners

PLUS: Free Cloud Career Quiz

In Today’s Cloudbites:

  • ❌ Worst Cloud Career Mistakes

  • 🧐 Free Cloud Career Quiz

  • 📚 [June] AWS Learning Opportunities

Read time: 4 minutes

Hi friends, welcome back to Cloudbites. I’ll be honest with you. In my 3 years of learning and working with AWS Cloud, I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Today, we'll discuss some of the worst cloud career mistakes I’ve seen job-seekers make, so that you can avoid them on your own journey.

Worst Cloud Career Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Choosing the wrong role to aim for

    One common career mistake, is aiming for a role without doing proper research. Don't base your decision solely on popularity or salary. Take the time to understand your skills, interests, strengths, and weaknesses.

  2. Not having a clear strategy

    Without a well-defined plan, it's easy to lose sight of your goals. Create a roadmap outlining the steps required to reach your desired cloud role. Tailor the plan to your specific needs and establish a study schedule to help you stay focused and motivated.

  3. Not building hands-on skills

    While is important to learn theoretical concepts, don’t forget to follow that up with practical experience. Showcase your skills through personal projects, or online workshops and tutorials.

  4. Underestimating the importance of soft skills

    Developing soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving is essential for long-term career success. Remember that developing soft skills is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and practice.

  5. Not doing enough networking

    Building professional connections and expanding your network can greatly benefit your career. Participate in communities, meetups, and reach out to others. Making the effort to establish at least one new connection each week can significantly contribute to your professional growth and advancement.

🧐 Free Cloud Career Quiz

Unsure which cloud computing career path to take?

Take this 6-Question Cloud Career Quiz to figure out which role might be right for you. I got Solutions Architect! 👀

My Results from the AWS Cloud Career Quiz.

Note: The quiz is just for a bit of fun, so please don’t use it make your final decision - but it can help you start thinking about what role in cloud you might align with your skills and interests!

📚 [June] AWS Learning Opportunities

Here are some resources to help you get started with building your AWS skills:

  1. Get 50% off AWS Associate Certification Exams. Join the “Get AWS Certified” Challenge and get the discount (Link)

  2. Get 25% off AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. When you complete all 12 tasks in AWS Cloud Quest before June 30 (Link)

  3. Free Self-Paced Cloud Essentials Learning Path. Receive a badge upon completion (Link)

  4. Twitch Show: AWS Power Hour, Associate Certification [Jun 30 - Jul 28] (Link)

  5. AWS Discovery Day - Machine Learning Basics [Jun 29] (Link)

That's all for now. Thank you for being a part of the Cloudbites community! 😊

P.S. How was today's email? If you have any feedback or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Simply reply to this email or DM me on Twitter @techwithlucy.